
Enhance your pictures with HDR

HDR (High Dynamic Range) is a method where you can combine pictures taken at different exposures and combine that to one picture to bring all the dynamic ranges in the picture.

If you have ever photographed a high contrast scene, you know that even the best exposure will typically have blown out highlights and flat shadows. Photomatix offers two ways to solve this problem:
Exposure Blending: Merge differently exposed photographs into one image with increased dynamic range.
Tone Mapping: Reveal highlight and shadow details in an HDR image created from multiple exposures. The tone mapped image is ready for printing while showing the complete dynamic range captured.

Masked lady at Venice carnival - underexposed shot
Masked lady at Venice carnival - median exposure
Masked lady at Venice carnival - overexposed shot

Masked lady at Venice carnival - HDR tone mapped

HDR image (created from the 3 left photos) + Tone Mapping

Get PhotoMatix tool from here (for $99)