
Faking a clean house in short time..

When your guests make a surprise visit or when you slack cleaning your house till your guests arrive, follow these simple tricks to fake that you do a good job in keeping your house clean...Woman cleaning living room

The Living Room

  • Reserve one side of sofa cushions to be shown to guests. Before company arrives, flip over the cushions to reveal good-as-new fabric. When guests are gone, flip them back.
  • To disguise windows in need of washing, pull curtain panels closed.
  • Fold a clean blanket neatly and drape it over a stained sofa. Strategically placed throw pillows can also camouflage soiled upholstery.

The Kitchen

  • When the dishwasher is full and the sink is overflowing, stow dirty dishes and silverware in a stockpot and pull them out later to be cleaned.
  • Cover up the lingering aroma of last night’s supper by boiling nutmeg, cloves, or cinnamon and orange peels in a sauce-pan on the stove.
  • Declutter the refrigerator by taking down notes, drawings, and magnets and throwing them in a plastic bag. Sort through it later.
  • Fold hand towels to hide stains. Two tips: Hang the clean side over the oven handle (with the stains in the back), or roll towels in neat spirals and stack them pyramid-style next to the sink.

The Bathroom

  • Glide a sticky lint roller over the bath mat to pick up hair.
  • Light a candle. Everything looks better (and cleaner) by candlelight.
  • Hang a fluffy bathrobe on top of damp towels dangling from the hooks on the back of the door.
  • Mound cosmetics and hairstyling products in a container underneath the sink. In a pinch, pile them in the tub and close the shower curtain. Cross your fingers that guests don’t snoop.

The Kids' Rooms

  • Stow pajamas under the pillow. This way, they’re off the floor and ready for later.
  • Put blocks in a handled shopping bag and hang it on a hanger or a doorknob inside the closet.
  • Put homeless stuffed animals in extra pillowcases. Or prop them up behind shams.
  • If your kids have a play tent, hide toys and clothes inside it.

The Laundry Room

  • Pile any laundry that needs to be folded in baskets or storage containers and lay them on the washing machine to be sorted through later.
  • As for dirty clothes awaiting washing, simply toss them in the washer.

The Home Office

  • Stash stray office supplies, like pencils and pens, in decorative stationery boxes or filing containers on your desk.
  • Temporarily hide wayward Post-it notes and to-do lists underneath the keyboard.
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How to undo sent email?

Instead of hitting "reply" to an e-mail, we accidentally push "reply all," sending a potentially embarrassing or insulting message to those we didn't intend to see it.

To address this problem, Google Inc.'s Gmail Labs has launched an experimental feature called "Undo Send" that gives users a chance to rewrite their message, correct settings or simply fix typos.

When a Gmail user who enables this feature sends an e-mail, a button that says "Undo" will pop up on their screen for five seconds. If the user hits the button within that time, the service will retrieve the e-mail in draft form -- allowing the user to make changes or cancel the message altogether.

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Transfer files from your computer

direct file transfer
Using JetBytes you can transfer files directly from your computer without needing to upload a file to a 3rd party location.

To send files, open a browser go to jetbytes.com and simply select a file on your computer you like to transfer. JetBytes then generates a web URL which you can forward to your friend. Your friend can then click on the URL and save the file.

Only pain here is that your computer needs to be on and your browser need to be open as well.

You can send as many files as you want and there is no limit on the file size or bandwidth usage.


  • Direct file transfer over internet.
  • Sent as many files as you want.
  • Files are not store during the transfer.
  • No file size or bandwidth restrictions.
  • Both sender and receiver should be online.
  • No registration and free
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Start your sharing from here


Convert HTML pages to PDF

turn web page into pdf

Tired of dealing with saving webpages to your computer.

Saving a webpage as PDF has lot of benefits (for e.g., emailing the page is easy as a pdf)


* Convert web page to pdf file online.
* Convert as many times as you need
* Free, no registration. Nothing to download or install.

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How to make a remote user friendly...

Tired of explaining your remote functionality to your parents / guests?

All you need is a piece of paper, pen, and a pair of scissors
Understanding how to use a remote is made easier by a friend. <em>Photo</em> Nicolas Zurcher
Source: DI